Our Mission

Our mission is to share the love of Christ with mankind, and to spread the Good News of Salvation. Mankind fell into sin, ever since Adam and Eve decided to go against God’s command to not eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. After falling for the deception of Satan and eating the fruit, all who have been born into this world, other than Jesus Christ, have been tainted with sin, thus separating ourselves from God. However, God loves us so much, He was willing to pay the price for our sin, and die (Romans 3:23, 5:8) Through His death, the payment was made in full for all sin. Through His resurrection, Jesus Christ has defeated the power of sin and has been given all authority and power, in heaven and on earth (Matt. 28:18). We, therefore, have been sent by Him to share the Gospel – the Good News – that forgiveness can be given to those who believe and profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, dedicating their life to worshipping Him and following His will for their life.

Men are made right with God, “born again”, by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 2:8-9). After this “new birth”, the Holy Spirit continues to work in the life of the individual to make that person more like Jesus.
The Church is an independent, self-directed, self-governing, local congregation of baptized believers. Its purpose is to lift up Jesus Christ in everything; to instruct, prepare and encourage believers to love the Lord and other people; to spread the “Good News” of God’s salvation through Jesus Christ to all people.

Our goal is to help you become more like Christ, daily. From the moment of salvation, up ’til your last breath on this planet, we want to help you pursue Christlikeness on a daily basis, removing layers of sinful habits from your life. We must all live each day filled with the Spirit of God, and in everything consider, “What would Jesus do?” Throughout the lifetime of a child of God, on this planet, God has his children in a process of sanctification, where each day in this lifetime is one where we are being molded into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. Therefore, we here at Concord Baptist, want to help mature your faith in God, your relationship with Jesus Christ, your connection with the Holy Spirit, fulfilling God’s will for your life, which will ultimately lead to glorification, when all children of God will stand in His complete and full presence, and live with Him for eternity.

Come Visit us This Weekend